Babysitter Calc

Babysitter Calc is Two Years Old

Second birthday
Babysitter Calc is two years old. In that time we have managed two major releases and numerous minor ones to improve the service. It has been downloaded 3,836 times across Apple, Google and Kindle. On average we have 300 monthly users. 4,576 babysitters have been added to the application, giving us insight into the rates paid to babysitters from around the world. The US remains the country where Babysitter Calc is most popular (83% of all sessions), but the work on translations has had some effects with the applications being used in 78 countries.

We even now have some competition with one very similar application available, though it is not nearly as good. But as they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

After a year of very little activity it is time to evolve, so we have started working on new some features. It was great to get a number kind requests to fix the application when iOS 10 broke the app earlier in the year.

If you haven’t yet liked our Facebook page, it would be great if you could.

Average Babysitter Costs in USA

We have been collecting statistics on how much people pay babysitters per hour from around the world. This first set of data covers the USA. This puts New Jersey as the state which pays babysitters the most at $12.13 and Idaho the lowest at $3.69.

State Avg. Value
New Jersey 12.13
Maryland 11.15
Connecticut 11.15
Montana 11.06
Washington 11.01
Wyoming 11.00
Massachusetts 10.84
Colorado 10.70
California 10.58
New York 10.58
Virginia 10.48
District of Columbia 10.38
Delaware 10.00
Texas 9.83
Georgia 9.80
Illinois 9.72
Kentucky 9.67
Tennessee 9.57
South Carolina 9.47
North Carolina 9.20
Louisiana 8.92
Pennsylvania 8.88
Arizona 8.75
Alaska 8.17
Nevada 8.12
Mississippi 8.00
Wisconsin 7.84
Indiana 7.64
Oklahoma 7.60
Michigan 7.50
Missouri 7.40
New Hampshire 7.11
Maine 6.91
Ohio 6.87
Nebraska 6.81
Alabama 6.19
Rhode Island 6.17
Minnesota 6.00
West Virginia 6.00
New Mexico 5.80
Oregon 5.43
Iowa 5.17
North Dakota 5.00
Arkansas 4.60
South Dakota 4.40
Utah 4.10
Kansas 4.09
Idaho 3.69

Florida is currently missing due to a data anomaly.

Babysitter Calc 2.0 available in the Apple App Store

IOS Simulator Screen Shot 7 Feb 2015 12.14.10     IOS Simulator Screen Shot 7 Feb 2015 12.14.20     IOS Simulator Screen Shot 7 Feb 2015 12.14.26


We are proud to announce that version 2.0 of Babysitter Calc is now available in the Apple app store. Our iOS offering is catching up with Android and Kindle Fire who have had 2.0 for a couple of weeks already.

We know it can be hard to remember the different rates charged by your different babysitters, so with Babysitter Calc 2.0 we have introduced a Babysitter list. You can now store your babysitters’ names and rates within the application. No more trying to remember if Amy is $6.50 or $7.00 an hour. 

We've reached 500 Users


Today which reach the modest milestone of 500 users of Babysitter Calc, in just under 3 months since the first release. This is still dominated by the US, but Germany is third place with 22. We feel a bit bad about this as the iOS application still has the original German translations which we did improve for Android. 

We are close to releasing version 2.0, but still some testing to do.

We've gone multi-lingual


Hola, ciao, bonjour, guten Tag, olá.  Babysitter Calc has gone multi-lingual with support for French, Spanish, German, Italian and Portuguese. 

We have had a lot of support from friends in getting these translations checkws. Thought still some improvements to be made.

You need version 1.2.3 or greater for Andorid (though 1.4.2 is better) or version 1.4.1 or greater for Apple. 

We are launched

Babysitter Calc is finally launched and on both the Apple App Store and Google Play. The orginal plan was  to launch on Apple first and then roll out to Android. However while the app was being reviewed by Apple the Android development caught up. It was ready to be laucnhed on Google Play during the day on November 1st so we went ahead and launched it ahead of Apple. Then just as we were turning out the lights for the day and heading for bed, we noticed the approval notice from Apple and were able to launch the app on the App Store on the same day.

Reporting on the different apps stores lags behind so it will take a week or so before we can compare how we are doing in the two different environments.

What Next for Babysitter Calc

The paint has not even dried on version 1.0 of Babysitter Calc and we are already planning what to do next.

1.1 will be a modest release the main focus will be to introduce a number of European languages (French, German, Italian and Spanish). We will hopefully at the same time launch the Android version.

2.0 will introduce storing babysitters and their individual rates, so you won’t need to remember if Katie charges £6.50 or £7.00 an hour.

We are open to suggestions on what to do next, so please post a comment if you have something you would like to see, or a change that will make it work better for you.