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November 2016

Babysitter Calc is Two Years Old

Second birthday
Babysitter Calc is two years old. In that time we have managed two major releases and numerous minor ones to improve the service. It has been downloaded 3,836 times across Apple, Google and Kindle. On average we have 300 monthly users. 4,576 babysitters have been added to the application, giving us insight into the rates paid to babysitters from around the world. The US remains the country where Babysitter Calc is most popular (83% of all sessions), but the work on translations has had some effects with the applications being used in 78 countries.

We even now have some competition with one very similar application available, though it is not nearly as good. But as they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

After a year of very little activity it is time to evolve, so we have started working on new some features. It was great to get a number kind requests to fix the application when iOS 10 broke the app earlier in the year.

If you haven’t yet liked our Facebook page, it would be great if you could.