Babysitter Calc 2.0 available in the Apple App Store
Babysitter Calc is Two Years Old

Average Babysitter Costs in USA

We have been collecting statistics on how much people pay babysitters per hour from around the world. This first set of data covers the USA. This puts New Jersey as the state which pays babysitters the most at $12.13 and Idaho the lowest at $3.69.

State Avg. Value
New Jersey 12.13
Maryland 11.15
Connecticut 11.15
Montana 11.06
Washington 11.01
Wyoming 11.00
Massachusetts 10.84
Colorado 10.70
California 10.58
New York 10.58
Virginia 10.48
District of Columbia 10.38
Delaware 10.00
Texas 9.83
Georgia 9.80
Illinois 9.72
Kentucky 9.67
Tennessee 9.57
South Carolina 9.47
North Carolina 9.20
Louisiana 8.92
Pennsylvania 8.88
Arizona 8.75
Alaska 8.17
Nevada 8.12
Mississippi 8.00
Wisconsin 7.84
Indiana 7.64
Oklahoma 7.60
Michigan 7.50
Missouri 7.40
New Hampshire 7.11
Maine 6.91
Ohio 6.87
Nebraska 6.81
Alabama 6.19
Rhode Island 6.17
Minnesota 6.00
West Virginia 6.00
New Mexico 5.80
Oregon 5.43
Iowa 5.17
North Dakota 5.00
Arkansas 4.60
South Dakota 4.40
Utah 4.10
Kansas 4.09
Idaho 3.69

Florida is currently missing due to a data anomaly.


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